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  • Forceofganja: Raid leader in charge of strats and raid calls

  • Tricurious: Tank lead Recruitment Officer, Co-raid lead.

  • Tuldock: Melee/ Range lead and Warcraft Log Officer

  • Vydl: Healer lead

  • Eremia: Human Resources


  • If any issues arise please contact the respective officer.


Guild Policies


Tomb of Sargeras is here.  Some of you have been with us since the end of Warlords when we started this guild and the rest of you have trickled in along the way.  It has certainly been a journey and will continue to be just that.  We are proud of what we have accomplished even if it has seemed trivially small at times.  Going into Tomb, once again we the officers, with some feedback and generally just paying attention to everyone’s morale and reactions to things, have taken some time to adjust some of our policies as needed.  Our guild is a living breathing thing so as we grow so shall our policies.  This is with the aim to ensure both success and longevity.

Please read and familiarize yourself with the below expectations and policies.



  • Raiders are encourage to be on a minimum of 10 min before raid heading to the instance NOT WAITING FOR A SUMMON.

  • Flask, pots, food, tomes, runes, gems, enchants, and extra roll tokens should be ready and with players at the time of zone in.

  • Dps should be a minimum of 50th percentile of your item level class bracket on Warcraft Logs.  This should be an average across most fights.  We do understand that fight types, group makeup, and item level can make this easy or hard.  We do consider this and only ask to aim for this as an average considering some fights you may parse in the 90th percentile and others much lower.  If you are worried or have any questions please ask the officers and on the flipside we will try to be proactive with coming to people to work on things when we feel it needs to be addressed.

  • We are a casual mythic progression guild.  With each tier of raiding we will work our way through the raid difficulties.  Casual does not mean we don’t have required raid days.  It just means we don’t raid as frequently and as long as typical mythic guilds do.



  • Required raid days and times are Tuesday and Thursday 8-11 CST (Server time).  We will for the majority, focus on progression on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  At times depending on the situation we will do other raids whether it be old content or achievement focused raids.  This does not mean if we are not doing progression it is your opportunity to not be on.  Disclaimer: Progression will be our main focus.

  • All Raid members must maintain an attendance of 85% to be eligible for loot and/or a mythic raid spot.

  • This 85% is based off of a two month raiding period which is 17 consecutive scheduled required raid days. (Tue and Thur raids).

  • Attendance will be rolling so that those who have been in the guild longer can not abuse the percentage and take a bunch of time off.  Everyone will be on an equal footing.  This means that for every 18th raid the 1st raid will drop off your record.  Each member will only ever have 17 consecutive scheduled raid days on their record.

  • Out of 17 raid days you will have roughly 3 raid days you can miss.

  • If you fall below 85% raid attendance you will drop to the bottom of the loot priority list.  This means that even if someone has already gotten loot and they need another piece that you might need, they will still be higher on the priority list than you.  Also, if we have more than enough raiders online you will have to sit out for raids until your attendance comes up.  Sitting out but still logging on will count towards your percentage.  

  • The only exception for sitting out for raids is if someone who needs absolutely zero loot is willing to let you have their spot and their spot isn’t crucial to the raid success for the evening.

  • Sunday Funday raids can be used to cover days you have or will miss.  We understand things come up and want everyone to have a fair shot at being able to be an active member.  If anyone misses a Sunday it will not count against them whether they are above or below 85%.  

  • If we feel that anyone at anytime is abusing this Sunday rule to miss Tue/Thur raids the officers will discuss the situation with the person and address it as need be.  Life happens and we understand that and as long as it doesn’t affect the guild in a big way we are willing to work with people as best we can.

  • Extreme tardiness will be counted against your attendance.  If you know you are going to be late, let one of the officers know and we can work with you as best we can.

  • Raids start at 8 PM CST (Server time).  This means that the first pull, trash or boss, is at 8 PM CST (Server time).  People need to be on and able to get to raids ready to go at the first pull.  If you aren’t going to be able to do so you need to post in the let us know channel.

  • We will have a  5 minute break worked into raid nights so people can bio, grab food/drink, or get the neighbor some sugar.  Unless it is necessary don’t go afk outside of that break time.  If this becomes an issue we will just simply replace you in the raid for the night.  We don’t have a lot of time in the raid so we wish to maximize the amount of content we can see in a given night.

  • Sunday will be farm content and alt raids. It is not a required raid day.  If you need gear from farm content or a boss we chose to skip in favor of progression, Sunday will be your day to get that done.

  • If you aren’t going to be on or are going to be late the “Let us know” channel in discord is where you go.  Discord is available on mobile devices so there is no reason you can’t simply drop a line in discord.

  • Missing raids every now and then is totally fine (real life happens and days off are needed), but being regularly absent or late will need to be rectified.  It’s not fair to those that are on to be held back from absences and/or tardiness **We only raid 3 hours twice a week, time is limited**.

  • If for some reason something unexpected comes up and you have to be a no call/no show (which we understand happens to us all), we simply ask you choose whatever method you are most comfortable with to explain to one of the officers the reason behind the absence.

  • If we see any type of attendance related issue negatively affecting the group we will remove the issue until it can be remedied.



Loot is obviously a big reason why people do end game content (yes we know there are other reasons as well). Loot can be smooth and easy but it can also be frustrating and leave a sour taste in people's’ mouths.  Our aim is to make this as straight forward, fair, and as smooth as possible.  Please keep in mind however there is no perfect system and there will always be times where people feel slighted with how loot is distributed.  This game is bigger than each and every one of us so selfishness is not something we support in this guild.



  • Trials will have a 1 week period (2 progression raid nights) of loot ineligibility.  

  • If gear drops that no one needs trials can roll.


  • Look at and know loot tables for upcoming raids so you know which pieces of gear are best for you to go after!!!!

  • All loot will be a free roll when it drops with some exceptions (see tier rules below).  We will not prioritize gear to tanks, healers, officers, or better players.  All raid members present will have a chance to roll for gear they need should they be loot eligible.

  • Don’t wait on loot rolls if multiple people are rolling. Use your extra roll tokens..

  • Side grade or minor upgrade loot is encouraged to be passed to people who have a bigger need for that piece of gear but not required.

  • If you have already won a piece of gear on that given raid night your loot roll will not be considered if there are rolls from players who have yet to receive a piece of gear that evening.

*****This includes BoE trash drops, there are no exceptions.*****

  • If multiple pieces of the same gear drop and multiple people need them, there will not be multiple rolls for the gear.  The highest rolls sequentially will get the gear.  If one piece of  gear is warforged/titanforgedt, the highest roll will get that piece of gear.  We will not spend hours on master looting.

  • If at any point attendance percentages become a problem, we will require that person to pass on loot for people who are above the 85% benchmark.  Even if that person has taken the proper measures of informing the group of said tardiness or absences it is not justifiably fair for someone to lose out on gear from their hard work to someone who hasn’t been there.

  • With the way stats and stat weights work now and in the rare case that you have won a piece of gear and realized later that gear isn’t an upgrade, we will ask/require that you trade the gear to the person who was the next highest roll.  

  • Winning and ignoring loot rolls to trade gear to people who didn’t win the rolls is not acceptable.

  • If it becomes apparent people are passing on gear that is an upgrade to hold out for another piece of gear, the officers reserve the right to either require a person to take that gear or revoke their loot eligibility altogether.  Everyone will get loot and get it eventually.  Remember, our aim is to be fair and focus on progression, not an individual's desire to beat everyone else gearing up the quickest.

  • If you have received a piece of loot for the night you are welcome to roll on gear you need in the off chance no one else needs or everyone else rolling has received gear for the night as well.

  • There will be a time limit on looting.  If you take too long or are not paying attention you will lose out.  You all know what gear you need and which bosses drop it.  We will not spend all night looting.

  • We the officers are human, we do make mistakes and miss things.  If at any time you see that a looting issue has happened please bring it to officer’s attention, POLITELY!  We will try to either rectify the situation, make up for the mistake, or apologize if the mistake can not be fixed or was not a mistake at all.


How Loot Priority Works

  • All gear, even tier pieces, are considered loot and will go against your piece of loot on a given raid night.

  • Gear that drops will be a free roll 1-100 for main spec, 101-200 for offspec, and 201-300 for transmog.  Place all of your rolls as soon as the master looters calls for rolls for that piece.  .

  • Main spec > Offspec dual role players (Players that are in a hybrid roll for progression such as Heals/DPS or DPS/tank) > Offspec > Transmog

  • ***This bullet point only pertains to tier pieces*** When tier pieces drop you will roll like normal, the priority however will be 2 Piece set bonus > 4 Piece set bonus > no set bonus.  If both players are of the same priority status it will be an item level decision.  If priority level is the same it will be decided by the rolls.  If the piece in question is for an offspec, you will still roll 101-200 to indicate it is for offspec., and 201-300 for transmog..


Raid Spots in Mythic

While our aim with this guild is mythic progression, we will not sacrifice the morale of the guild for better players.  We will always, within reason, (if your dps is horribly low as a dps we can not bring you to mythic), strive to value the player over the player’s skills.  Again this is within reason.  There are always situations that we can’t, no matter how much we want to, ignore.  At the end of the day we still have to do our best to ensure the livelihood of the guild in the long run.

  • We will strive to have more than 20 raiders at all times.

  • If you want a raid spot, keep your attendance up and be online and early for raids..

  • We reserve the right to bring someone in or ask someone to sit for progression or loot needs.  Officers are not exempt.  The only time we will ignore this is if the person being asked to sit is vital for the success of the fight.

  • We understand this is never ideal but as you all should know, we can’t raid mythic without 20 people.  This is a necessary evil, so please do your best to be understanding or keep your frustrations in that camp to yourself if they are not of a constructive and respectful nature.


We reserve the right as officers to decline loot eligibility for people.  We have not had to do this so far, but we still reserve the right.  The only time we will exercise this right is if someone has habitual attendance issues, has been causing issues, or is a trial.

In summation, no one likes overly loot hungry people. Don’t be that person.  Our goal is to kill bosses, see content, and maintain a fun social raiding atmosphere with progression being our focus.  We want this to be the most efficient and fair system to upgrading the collective gear of our group and to ensure success on progression.

Please remember, you only get out of this game what you put into it.  When you aren’t on or actively participating, you not only miss out on your own personal opportunities but you also hold the group back.  You signed up for the raid team so be here!!!!!!!!!!  This game and group is meant to be fun and playing single player in a multiplayer game IS NOT FUN!!!  At any point in time moving forward, if the officers notice or feel like any one thing or person is causing setbacks to the group, a drop in the morale, or fun group atmosphere, we will take the necessary actions to rectify the situation.  We are not a part time casual raid guild, we are a casual progression guild.  


As always we will adjust policies as need be.  If any of the rules are in question, feel free to ask but please be respectful and make sure you have read all of the rules first.  If any issue at all is problematic for anyone, come forward about it but again be respectful and constructive.  Also, be aware the outcome you desire may not happen, but if you do not speak up things will not have the opportunity to change.


Thanks for reading this, we know it isn’t “fun” but it does help to keep the wheels moving in the right direction.


See you all in raids,
The officers

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